Sunday, September 5, 2010

Project Charter

The project charter is the document that formally authorizes a project. The project initiator or sponsor issues the project charter. The project charter provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities. A project manager is identified and assigned as early in the project as is feasible. The project manager should always be assigned prior to the start of planning, and preferably while the project is being developed.

The project charter, either directly or by reference to other documents, should address the following information:
  • Requirements that satisfy customer, sponsor, and other stakeholder needs, wants, and expectations 
  • Business needs, high-level project description, or product requirements that the project is undertaken to address 
  • Project purpose or justification 
  • Assigned project manager and authority level 
  • Summary of milestone schedule 
  • Stakeholder influences 
  • Functional organizations and their participation 
  • Organization, environmental, and external assumptions and constraints 
  • Business case justifying the project, including return on investment 
  • Summary of budget